
Chrome and Electrostatic Powder Coating Options
Precision PLC Controlled Product Mixture
Reports can be transferred to the desired PC as an option.
Instant, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly Periods Receives Report.
In case of malfunction

Products for Mill System

Chrome and Electrostatic Powder Coating Options
Precision PLC Controlled Product Mixture
Reports can be transferred to the desired PC as an option.
Instant, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly Periods Receives Report.
In case of malfunction

16 input card is used for input on Hitachi PL C. All inputs are insulated so that the PLC moduleis not affected from electrical faults in the field. Bo x header link provides fast installation. Itprovides quick installation with plug-in cable connection. Input s tatus can be monitored byLEDs. The red led lights up when the input is activ e.

For provision of the required moisture conditions in accordance with the grain flow, atarget moisture value must be defined and the water volume must be calculated withconsideration of automatic water supply. These values must be programmed in PLC. Thewater supply is automatic. The water level is automatically controlled by means of theservo valve. The water flow is measured with a sensitivity of 0,5 %. All values taken bythe flow meter located on the panel are displayed on the screen and saved to memory.The reports re: these values could be taken for any required period (date, month, year)

Reports can be taken in hourly, 8 hourly, daily, weekly, monthly andyearly periods. In the event of a fault, remote access can be providedvia the internet to intervene malfunctions.
The Extraction Rate Scales systems are the systems which are usedin weighing the products such as wheat, flour, bran etc during theproduction process and without giving rise to any interruption. It ensureskeeping the capacity and extraction values continuously undercontrol in the flour factories.It is necessary keep always under control the capacity and extractionrates as one of the most important subjects in the flour production.Because of this reason, the extraction scales became greatly importantand started to be used in the factories recently. In the extractionsystems with the developed technological substructure, while theproduction process still continues, it is possible to get access to heinformation such as capacity and extraction values relating to theproduction process at any time desired. The access to such informationcould be ensured from the operator panels, from the centralcontrol units and also from very far points in the environments wherethere is an internet connection available. The flow of the wheat enteredand all of the products obtained according to this could be followedon the display as the % values. Such data could be read as kg/hour, ton /day or proportionally (%). The instant, hourly, shift, weeklyand monthly production reports could be obtained. It is possible tomake and perform the adjustment, opening, closing and reporting ofall of the measurement parameters through the computer easily. Itis also possible to connect a number of extraction rate scales to thesystem as well.
• All information relating to the product can be easily accessed uponrequest.• Flow rate of the incoming wheat, and accordingly the percentagevalues of the all outgoing products can be viewed on the screen.• All data can be read as kg/hour, ton/day or %.• Computer system operated with all programs running under Windows.A large number of (up to 28) Extraction rate scale can be connectedto the system.• It is possible to follow the information relating to the status of thefactory by means of getting access to the system directly from everywherewhere the internet connection is made available.• Instantaneous, hourly, shift-based, weekly and monthly productionreports can be obtained.

Grain flow rate, sufficient for preventing vibration occuring duringproduct discharging cycle, is accurately ( 0.3 %) measured in kg perhour by means of extraction rate scales with 3 loadcells.The extraction rate control unit is used for weighing products suchas wheat, flour, bran etc. It provides continuous control of productyield rates.The Extraction rate scales operation starts with the product fillingthe measuring-container. The product enters the container undercontrol by means of the flap which controls access to the container.The measuring process is carried out, and the stabilization timecontrolled by load cells located at three points on the measuringcontainer. When the required level is reached the upper flap isclosed. On completion of the measuring process, the measuredproduct is released to the line via the opening flaps located underthe container.Flaps allowing product to be discharged to the bunker, and thebunker lids which empty the bunker all work pneumatically. Also,there are covers positioned on the scales component and bothsides of the upper bunker in order to facilitate the cleaning of theextraction rate weighing machine. These covers are sufficientlylarge to allow cleaning and maintenance, and they are also fittedwith gaskets in order to provide leak proofing when closed.Reports can be taken in hourly, 8 hourly, daily, weekly,monthly and yearly periods. In the event of a fault,remote access can be provided via the internet tointervene malfunctions.